Cari Kawan

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Backlink Goldmine: Automated Backlink Blaster

Backlink Goldmine: Automated Backlink Blaster.

What If You Could Simply Open ONE eBook

With Links to 270 Internet Properties
That Allow... Even ENCOURAGE You
To Post Scores of Do-Follow Backlinks ?

An ALL NEW Platform With A
100% ALL NEW List of Sites

They Call It... Backlink Goldmine - 6.0

This 100% All New WSO will have you shouting EUREKA friends ...

Dear Fellow Warriors,

I don't think there is any dispute that backlinks are worth their weight in GOLD to your Search Engine Rankings.

The sheer number of popular backlink packages that are available and Warrior testimonials of success with backlinks is now too overwhelming to even debate. Many of you reading this NEW WSO post are likely already customers of my prior and hugely popular Backlink Goldmine 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Series eBooks. If so, you've already experienced the ease, speed and power of my backlinking strategies. For those who are not yet familiar with the Backlink Goldmine series, here's a bit of background ...

Early on in my online marketing endeavors, I stumbled upon an amazing backlink discovery. An extremely simple and absolutely killer way to find and leverage certain types of similar web properties ... who all have a common trait.

They all use a standard set of technologies that can be automated!

Additionally, they encourage you to create identities on their sites, and in doing so, it creates massive opportunities to POST BACKLINKS !!! My original Backlink Gold Mine Product gave you as many as 10 links at a crack - per site - almost any kind of links you desired.

This new batch of 270 sites ... I haven't yet seen the limit. 20-30 links ?? That's Per site!

Conservatively, 10 links x 270 sites ... That's potentially 2,700 backlinks folks

Say It With Me Now ... Eureka !!!

When I stumbled upon the original discovery, I could barely hold back my excitement. With this new Mine... which is 3x more Link Rich than the original, I was just floored.

2x As Many Sites + 3x As many Links Per Site !!!

The original discovery was only 150 web properties. Some were household names, some were off the wall and some just vanilla. It has Top names from Fortune 500 US Media companies, and an assorted mix of all kinds. Many Great PR Domains, some not-so-great and all in between.

This ALL NEW vein of sites is pure gold as well. A mix of all types of sites, ALL offering substantial backlink opportunities. All just a mere 2 clicks and a sign on away from posting your backlinks. I've mined many of the sites, just to see if this was a vein of Fools Gold ... Nope, not at all.

Pure Solid Gold My Friends. Here's the good news ... it gets even better !!!

* No More Lame comments! "Gee, I think this site is cool." ... Over It!
* No more "waiting" for moderators to approve you content ... Gonzo !
* No More sifting thru pages of content to see what you think you "might" be able to discuss intelligently... Fuhhgettaboutit!

NOPE ... none of that. Kick that to the Curb!

There's more ... This is the KILLER part.

All the sites use the very same system to allow you to do this! You create a username and account and login ... then you go to the same screens, and do it the same way at nearly every site. The hardest thing to do is go through CAptcha. After that, you'll be on autopilot. Or your outsource person will be! Wooo Hoooo. Speaking of Auto-Pilot - we've already created Automated Scripts for you good people too. Automated Backlink Blaster!

And .. As If That Wasn't Good Enough
We Took Most of the Hard Work and
Automated It - Keep Reading To See How

What's your time worth?

You can continue to meander around the web, scrounging around through blog comment websites and hope and pray you get your post and links through moderation. Or that someone won't report your post as spam.

Or... you can take out your virtual pick-axe and dig right into the Mother-load of backlink nirvana I have for you ... all wrapped up in this downloadable package.

You won't need 85 pages of pdf's, pictures and instructions month after month to sort and figure out how to get your posts and links past the SPAM POLICE. My drop dead simple Report report shows you the system I use - step by step. 10 minutes, you'll be knocking out link after link ... like Chuck Norris in a bad mood.

That's the beauty - you can do them all the same - site after site like a machine. 10+ links per sign on. I show you exactly where and how with detailed pictures. If you can register for a website, and click a confirmation link in an email - you're gunna be a Miner 49'r friend ... No Shale, Pure Gold.

Here's What You Get

I give you the KILLER BACKLINK GOLDMINE 6 REPORT that has 270 links ... STRAIGHT TO THE REGISTRATION PAGES to all these web property domains. All of them have the same Do Follow Link Posting systems engineered into them. These sites and this platform are totally new and none are from any of my earlier reports. These sites allow you 6 Killer WAYS to score trainloads of Juicy DoFollow Backlinks.

* Full HTML Anchor Text Links - Profiles
* Full HTML Anchor Text Links - Guestbook Posts
* Full HTML Anchor Text Links - Photo Comments
* Full HTML Anchor Text Links - Video Comments
* Full HTML Anchor Text Links - Full Featured BLOGS
* Full HTML Anchor Text Links - Forum Posts

[ Sites offer a variety of feature combinations. ]

Delicious ... Ohh did I mention that's like a ZILLION places to place links per site, and you can keep coming back for more - over and over again. Have a new article? Have a new niche? Need to rank a new keyword? Need to do some serious DEEP LINKING? This is the WSO Report for You then. Multiply that times 270 sites yet? That's a trainload of Gold Ore there buddy. I'm letting you STEAL it!

You also get step by step high resolution screen captures with instructions on how to get setup and get straight to the part where you place your links.

This GOLDMINE report is going to save you so much time its unreal ... You'll save enough time at the first site you visit to pay for this report 2x over. Click-click-click ... 10 backlinks - BAM! You'll be using a Backlink Bazooka... your competition ... a Pea Shooter. Imagine being able to place 10+ unique links in under 2 minutes - on a single site. It's being done as I type this!

A One Time Offer You Can't Refuse
Any serious Marketer would need their
head examined to turn this one down

Automated Backlink Blaster

That's right. Get my Backlink Goldmine 6 Report, and not only do you get on the VIP List, but, we'll make you a killer One Time Offer you simply cannot refuse on the Automated Backlink Blaster. It's THE hookup you need to take your backlink activities to the Next Level. It's the same type of automation I personally used to produce over 1,500 backlinks to two separate domains in competitive niches, and rank both of them on Google Page #1 in Less Than 120 Days!!!

You may begin your download by clicking the download image. New window will open, and follow the instruction to start downloading. (Note: This is for education purpose only. Using it for any other illegal activities are strictly prohibited. If you find it useful for you, buy the original version from the respective owner. The owner deserved your credit after all his hard work.) Some antivirus will identified the crack, patch and keygen as a virus. Therefore, please disable your antivirus before start installation.



About This Blog

Blog ini adalah satu-satunya blog yang menyediakan maklumat lengkap tentang Blogging, Search Engine Optimization dan Pemasaran, Gedung Backlinks untuk PageRank yang lebih baik dan sistem mudah membuat wang yang benar-benar ditulis dalam bahasa Bahasa Melayu

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